So my only official plans for the next two weeks include getting out of the house at least once a day (even if that just means to the thrift store or to buy eggs), and doing at least one "work" activity daily. Today we borrowed from the TSBVI site's "Poke and Peek." POKE & PEEK
Focus: encourages fine motor development and eye-hand coordination.
- colander
- tin bowl
- coloured toothpicks
Procedure: Invert the colander. The child will insert the toothpicks into the holes. Add a tin bowl underneath the colander and it will give auditory feedback to the child.
We're talking a good ten minutes of one happy, focused toddler. And when he suggested the use of his new tongs, I brought out more little Dixie cups, as the pincing of toothpicks wasn't so much easy for a 2-yr-old...And then to up the skill level, little steel sorting cups. We're talking another good ten minutes or so. (The addition of the silicone mat was solely for the purpose of sound damping during Verity's nap.)
Now, if only I could come up with something motivating to get us out of the house on this gray, wet, 40-degree day...