Monday, May 11, 2009


My machine has been out of commission...again...and here I am playing catch up on hubby's computer while he fixes mine (again) downstairs.

Mcclellan is still as goofy as ever.
He loves the peg board.
Verity helps herself.
Learning the difference between playing the triangle while holding the metal vs. while holding the attached string!
Verity shakin' it.
Ahhh...So tonight we introduced a "clean-up" station. Taken from my uber-yummy Montessori environment link (on the side), I set up this help-yourself area. You can see, from the glowing apples on his cheeks, that Mcclellan LOVED free play (I mean, work) with the soap.
Washing off his chin, post dinner.
(Note the now-cloudy soap tainted water!) At the station we have:
1. our dustpan for cleaning up dry spills.
2. a mirror for...well, looking at yourself.
3. two sponges for cleaning up wet spills.
4. a basin full (2") of water.
5. a drying towel.
6. a washcloth (for faces and hands, not floors).
7. a bar of soap.
I'm thinking about adding our all-purpose and glass cleaner spray bottles somewhere closeby (child safe! and vinegar-based, of course), but I'm afraid my bottles will just be drained daily on the random sprayings around the house. Those and a roll of a paper towels. Looking forward to that magic day that he's three. That's when they become adults, right?

In other news, I clipped lovely peonies and columbine from our front flower gardens. And my sweet Mother's Day rose is blooming in a tiny vase.
And Verity? Yeah, that's her learning how to crawl. Wild.