Mcclellan is still as goofy as ever.
Learning the difference between playing the triangle while holding the metal vs. while holding the attached string!Ahhh...So tonight we introduced a "clean-up" station. Taken from my uber-yummy Montessori environment link (on the side), I set up this help-yourself area. You can see, from the glowing apples on his cheeks, that Mcclellan LOVED free play (I mean, work) with the soap.
(Note the now-cloudy soap tainted water!) At the station we have:
1. our dustpan for cleaning up dry spills.
2. a mirror for...well, looking at yourself.
3. two sponges for cleaning up wet spills.
4. a basin full (2") of water.
5. a drying towel.
6. a washcloth (for faces and hands, not floors).
7. a bar of soap.
I'm thinking about adding our all-purpose and glass cleaner spray bottles somewhere closeby (child safe! and vinegar-based, of course), but I'm afraid my bottles will just be drained daily on the random sprayings around the house. Those and a roll of a paper towels. Looking forward to that magic day that he's three. That's when they become adults, right?
In other news, I clipped lovely peonies and columbine from our front flower gardens. And my sweet Mother's Day rose is blooming in a tiny vase.
And Verity? Yeah, that's her learning how to crawl. Wild.